Board Committees

Below is a summary of our board committee structure and membership information. To read more about any of the board committees, click on committee names in the chart below.

Chairperson Member

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee assists the Board of Directors in its oversight of (i) the integrity, fairness and completeness of the Company’s financial statements and financial information; (ii) the accounting and financial reporting process; (iii) the qualifications, performance and independence of the external auditors; (iv) the performance of the internal audit function; (v) the quality and integrity of internal controls and; (vi) actuarial practices of the Company.

To consult the full Audit Committee mandate, please click here.

Governance and Sustainability Committee

The Governance and Sustainability Committee (the “GSC Committee”) ensures a high standard of governance, compliance, and ethics in the Company, including its pension funds and that the Company meets its legal requirements and engages in best practices as determined by the Board of Directors.

In this regard, the GSC oversees: (i) the governance framework of the Company and of its pension plans, (ii) the compliance framework, (iii) the compliance programs of the Company which include related party transactions, market conduct programs and policies, as well as the implementation of corporate compliance initiatives.

To consult the full GSC mandate, please click here.

Human Resources and Compensation Committee

The Human Resources and Compensation Committee assists the Board of Directors in fulfilling its governance supervisory responsibilities for strategic oversight of the Company’s human capital, including organization effectiveness, succession planning and compensation, and the alignment of compensation with the Company’s philosophy and programs consistent with the overall business objectives of the Company. Compensation includes base salaries, benefits, pension plans and incentive programs of the employees, management and executives.

To consult the full Human Resources and Compensation Committee mandate, please click here.

Risk Management Committee

The Risk Management Committee assists the Board of Directors with its oversight role with respect to the management of the Company in order to build a sustainable competitive advantage, by fully integrating the Enterprise Risk Management Policy into all business activities and strategic planning of the Company and its subsidiaries and operations, including its pension funds.

The Risk Management Committee defines the Company’s risk appetite while also monitoring the risk profile and performance of the Company relative to its risk appetite.

The Risk Management Committee also oversees the identification and assessment of the principal risks facing the Company and the development of strategies to manage those risks. The principal risks include strategic risk, insurance risk, financial risk and operational risk.

The Risk Management Committee monitors compliance with risk management policies implemented by the Company and ensures an appropriate balance of risk and return in pursuit of the company’s strategic business objectives.

To consult the full Risk Management Committee mandate, please click here.